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Angel number 777: Why seeing this pattern is a call from your highest self

It's a sign to get deep.
/ Source: TODAY

If you've been spotting the number seven lately, you may be in luck.

Whether you've noticed a series of sevens, like 777, or synchronicities involving the digit, you're experiencing what some refer to as "angel numbers."

Repeating numerical patterns are associated with different meanings or messages for a specific point in your life. For example, 111 is thought to be associated with new beginnings, whereas 666 is all about love and relationships.

Here's what to know about the meaning of angel numbers and 777 more generally.

What are angel numbers?

Spiritual practitioners believe individuals have spiritual teams guiding their way who communicate through signs and synchronicities like angel numbers.

“Angel numbers are confirmation that spirit is with you. That you are being guided or that you are on the right path,” Frances Naude, reiki master, tarot reader and spiritual mentor, says.

She gives an example of the nudge of encouragement an angel number can provide. Let’s say you’re brainstorming something, then you see an angel number. “That’s a confirmation yes,” she says.

But if you’re in a hard moment or are feeling sad, they take on a different form. “I call them angel hugs. It’s this very loving hug or wink from the universe that you’re going to be OK.”

Beyond numbers, she says signs of affirmation can also come in the form of repetition, coincidence or synchronicity.

“Numbers are hard to ignore,” Naude says. “It stands out and it’s easily noticeable.”

What does 777 signify?

Seven energy is the "highest spiritual energy," signifying a connection to your higher self or soul, according to numerology expert Novalee Wilder.

When people start seeing patterns involving the number seven, they could be going through a a difficult time or experiencing "something really heavy," Wilder says.

"The message is just, it’s gonna be OK," she says.

TODAY's resident astrologer Lisa Stardust notes that seeing sevens could also be a sign of spiritual awakening and a call to embrace your inner wisdom.

"Your hard work has paid off and now you’re leaning into your intuition," Stardust says.

She adds that 777 also means that something you desire could be close to you, and that now is the time to trust your gut.

What should you do if you keep seeing the numbers seven or 777?

This could be a sign to enter into a deeper state of consciousness and try to connect to your higher self, Wilder says.

That could mean embracing meditation, going on a retreat or adding a yoga practice into your routine. Or, you could let go of trying to understand everything, and leave the outcome up to a higher power.

The number can also be a signal to trust your gut. Follow your instincts. They are leading you toward a path of growth.